For those who played the game for a while might understand, what is common, tactic or Strategy... I was just wondering, is Strategy Attack really the best? or actually Common is the secret weapon? Do we use TCA all the way??

Common = LD (status in your hero), the higher your LD the more COMMON damage your hero can apply and also at the same time, higher defence against common attack too. Increase your common attack by using WEAPON and never stop enhancing it. This is the fastest attack item that you can get. You can already farm for gold weapon (highest rank item) at Carnage map. This common damage can be reduced with good ARMOR, flags and TECH upgrades found in your academy.

Tactic = BV (status in your hero), similar to LD the higer your BV is, the higher TACTIC the damage your hero will deal and higher defence against tactical attack too.  MOUNT is used in this form of attack. Prefered red MOUNT and only can be found in dealing. But it this will drain your silver like you can never imagine. Tactical damage can be reduced by with CLOACKS, flags and TECH upgrades found in your academy.

Strategy = STA (status in your hero), simailar concept applies. But this is the hardest item to obtain, unless you are filthy rich; if not better not invest in it. You will need at least 50K gold for a red book or 6K gold in completing daily quest. So this is only recommended to very high VIP players. Only flags and technology can help reduced this type of damage.  This why many players spend tons of cash just to get the books!

THE Reality

Common damage hero, usually are mechs and beast. They may have an increase damage, or some area damage depends on the troops type, BUT they will never have additional effect such as Stun, moral reduce, etc.  Common ATK hero usually have more troops than the others.  As known to all, the best Common damage hero is WEI YAN, Shu prestige hero. Followed by the tiger troops Jushou.(you can recruit him at Guandu Map) You will need him to face WU during mid game, before your prestige levels unlocks WEI YAN. 

Tactical damage hero, will deal both common damage and tactical damage. For any TCA skill to execute, morale meter has to be refilled. Every Hit or getting Hit will increase 1/3 of moral meter. If you have an inspire troops (Zhang jiao, Diao Chan, etc), they will maximise your moral meter. The downfall of this troop, it can be counter by using drummer or morale reduce effect type attack, to prevent your troops tactical moral meter to be full. Nevertheless TCA troops, have the best AOE damage, some even have effect like stun, increase defend, moral reduce, etc.  

Strategy damage hero, will always apply Strategy damage during first round of attack and common attack in second round. This type of troops also have the lowest Hit point. Hence thier second turn attack will not deal much of a damage. So to all STA hero users, please try to equiped your STA heros with a good weapon, if not second attack will be wasted. As fo WU players, they wont bother with good weapon as thier aim will always be a good book. This is where Wei Yan comes in to play. Even when he is stun, STA common attack in second will be counter attack by Wei Yan if counter attack values are high. What make this the most feared troops is that there is no equip that can reduce the STA damage. So use your focus your jades, flags, reseach and tech to fend this attack. 

Are STA troops over rated. Why? because first of all, they still can be stun to prevent them from action, there are tactical troops that can stun in a row! Second, They only move once for every two turn, most player will not equip a full caliber upgraded weapon to their sta hero. So you can forget the second common attack.

As for common attack, yes they tend to miss too, but very rare. They always attack, every round without fail unless stun. if you compare with Wei Yan with STA troops, with half the COMM of STA damage on PVP, It will be equal with STA damage. Moreover it will cost you a fortune to enhance books and yet STA troop has the lowest Hit Point! So to all SHU it is very important to add STD in every corner that you can find in the game. Jades, reseach, flags and tech.

Tactical attack!  This is your foundation. As long as they get full morale, the tatical attack wont stop! They also have the highest damage. So never ignore your WD or LB.