
This will be unlock at base level 121. This will be one of the most important part of the game. Each slot will enable you to add many attributes. One slot can allow you to have TCA damage plus, TCD plus, DEF plus and many more. This will allow your hero to go to the next level besides what you already have.


All pages can be upgraded. As u notice from the first image, Fate-tough's level is lvl2, the image above displays Fate-Charge lvl8. This is an attack type page, but it still enhances 1st strike. As I mention to you, high FS is very important in CB against WU. 


On your synth tab… as mention on the tab, this is the area where you start to synth your pages. Once you are here, click and check "ABLE TO SYNTH". This way you will only see pages that you can synth. Trust me, without this check box, we will be totaly lost. The boxes below will let you know what type of pages you need to collect to synth. 



Once your done with your synthesizing you can go back to research tab, click on any one of the empty boxes, and your synth page will be displayed on your right. Click learn on the lower right learn button. 


Note: Please refer to pages for SHU. Don't learn anything and everything. You only have one chance to learn because if you happen to learn the wrong pages, it will cost you 200g to forget. That is 2 gold carts my brothers. And finally, check your synth timing, if you miss your fate page in the first attemp try your second attemp much much later. Never synth pages at the same time.


Understanding your pages

This will be the interesting part. Your task is to synth normal pages in to Fate pages. So if you are unlucky, will might fail to get fate pages but non-fate. In other words, just like the first few images displaying fate-tough and fate charge, if you are unlucky, you will probably get tough and charge; without fate values. And this is really all luck, feels bit like dealing without CD.


Why Fate?

That is simply because Fate pages gives you at least 10 - 15% more value as compared to non-fate pages.



Why so many colours?

As per normal, the colours indicates the total level of each page. Red and gold page are only for the SUPER SKILL slot which is the lowest box. As usual pages will be in the same 5 category, White, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Gold.




This is where you hunt your pages. As you can see every general will have different set of pages that might drop. The image below display one of the page drop options by Liu Bei. 


If you notice, there are three options when it comes to pages drops. And again this is the luck element area where you will not know what page might drop. 


First will be the Challenge drop which will mostly drop white, green, blue pages. Then we have the purple page that will mostly drop when you RUSH. This cost gold. First rush will be 10gold, followed by 15gold so on and so forth. Drops rates are much better here. Then finally is when you CONQUER, to get gold of red pages. This are the additional skills your hero can have. Each conquer is 100gold. But of course the damage or effect executed will tell you that it is worth the spend.


Note: Rush or Conquer at different timigs as well. Always cross check on high or low food before you rush or conquer.


SHU's Pages




(Comm and TCA attack raised)



(Comm and TCA Defence raise)






(STA hero to repleanish power)



(STA attack raised)


Wei Yan 




Super Skill: Corporation ( gold page )

5th page will depends on your needs


Liu Bei




Super Skill: Pierce ( red page )

5th page will depends on your needs


Zhege Liang




Super Skill: Tricks ( gold page )

5th page will depends on your needs