SHU's background


SHU is this game is the only competition against WU, COTK most rivaled country. SHU and WEI often suffer from merger as WU has heros that could make them invincible. If your server so happen to be the last server of the merger, then it will be an uphill battle against WU as their heroes are often regarded as imbalance. But nevertheless SHU still has its upper-hand if you focus on the right Heroes and Armor to grow. But like any other game out there, the more you spend, the stronger you will get.


In reality, Shu has 3 very important heros that all must focus on. Wei Yan, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei. This are the three most important heros facing WU in the long run. Why, I will explain later…


WU... why so strong!


Why… mainly because of 2 character, Zhuge Jin and Zhou Yu. Zhuge Jin will be because of its irritating stun that will easily stun 2 of your heros, and most of the time your inspirer or attacker will be stun. You will be left handicapped. Couple with Zhou Yu and Sun Quan later part of the game; which can eventually cast a 0 turn inspirer so Sun Quan can launch his TCA attack first round. So with these two combine, everyone will eventually lose as first attack will be on their side and they can stun after, which make all players lose in FS and first round attack if attacker or inspirer is stunned. 


WU will only be a threat when their PRESTIGE reaches 1.7 million. The birth of Zhuge Jin. Then followed by Zhou YU at 5.5 million prestige and Sun Quan at 6.1 million. So before they get there your heroes must be ready and prepared for them.

Why is winning Country Battle important

First of all we will need ample city to live in and most important of all, SILVER MINES. With more city, we will have more SILVER MINES to help us progress in the game. If we have to always struggle to find SILVER MINES and investing, being the most important part of the game requires a lot of silver our growth will be stunted. Remember all important heros comes from PRESTIGE points, without the heros that I mention above, you will never progress far in this game.